SOECA’s proximity to downtown Silver Spring and Washington, DC means vehicular traffic is an important concern for our neighborhood. In the 1990’s, SOECA worked with residents adjacent to the Silver Spring Central Business District to design and implement a Neighborhood Traffic Protection Plan to mitigate a significant increase in traffic. In 2015, SOECA formed a Traffic Task Force to concentrate on issues caused by traffic and to learn about transportation projects that might negatively affect our neighborhood.
Click on the icons below to learn more about each topic:
Traffic Task Force
SOECA’s Traffic Task Force (TTF), which was made a committee of the SOECA Executive Committee in May of 2016, meets regularly and TTF members rotate the responsibilities for organizing and facilitating each meeting. The TTF reports to the SOECA Executive Committee throughout the year and often makes presentations to the membership at general membership meetings.
Neighborhood Traffic Protections
The Neighborhood Traffic Protection Plan (NTPP) helps protect the area from cut through traffic. Residents, children, dog walkers, and cyclists enjoy safer streets, reduced noise and air pollution, and less frequent cut through traffic as a direct result of the NTPP.
Parking Permits
Parking on SOECA’s streets north of Dale Drive is governed by Montgomery County’s general parking rules and regulations. However, the streets south of Dale Drive are part of a Residential Parking Zone and a permit is required to park on these streets for more than two hours during normal business hours.
Driving Safety
Montgomery County’s Department of Transportation (MCDOT) is responsible for many of the roads in our County, especially the roads in residential neighborhoods. MCDOT sets speed limits, determines when Stop Signs and other signs are necessary, manages the streetlights on County roads, and runs educational and enforcement programs.
Pedestrian Safety
Pedestrian safety is a huge concern in Montgomery County. The County’s program for improving pedestrian safety by managing speeding and other unsafe driving practices includes three components: education, engineering, and enforcement.
Bicycle Safety
We are fortunate to live in a county that supports biking as a safe and desirable mode of transportation—Montgomery County has over 90 miles of bike-friendly shoulders or separated bike lanes.